26. 02. 2023 | Heute hatten wir 11 Welpen von Carnuntum Bulls CRAZY LIKE YOU und LADY MAKBET Zimowa Aura |
19. 09. 2021 | Wir haben nechste Fotos von Welpen hinzugefügt |
29. 08. 2021 | Wir haben Fotos von Welpen hinzugefügt |
17. 08. 2021 | Heute hatten wir Welpen von CASPER Bulla Bohemica und LADY MAKBET Zimowa Aura |
02. 08. 2021 | In der zweiten Augusthälfte 2021 erwarten wir die Geburt von Welpen von CASPER Bulla Bohemica und LADY MAKBET Zimowa Aura |
23. 12. 2011 | Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year |
27. 08. 2011 | On July 17, puppies were born from the mating of Ch., JCh. AUDREY Bulla Bohemica and BARN STONE The Bully Bunch in co-operation of Full House & Sempre Occultus kennels. We are very proud of you, Audrey, and congratulations to breeders Magda and Agata. |
24. 06. 2011 | Our website went through a slight face-lift in order to inform you better on our news. Let´s hope you´ll enjoy your stay here. |
26. 08. 2009 | After our summer holidays - a fresh update in the Shows section of our youngster Baz. |
21. 06. 2009 | AUDREY Bulla Bohemica: IDS Szczecin - CAJC, Best Junior, JUNIORCHAMPION PL !!! Congratulations !!! |
31. 05. 2009 | Same time, last year we were expecting our A-litter to be born. Our puppies have grown up since then and some have started their successfull "career" in the show ring already: AUDREY Bulla Bohemica: 17.5. NDS Bydgoszcz - CAJC, Best Junior, BOB, BIS Junior II. 24.5. IDS Leszno - CAJC, Best Junior, BIS Junior III. ANGELA Bulla Bohemica: 3.5. IDS Prague - CAJC ANTHONY Bulla Bohemica: 3.5. IDS Prague - Výborný 2 Further new pictures to the Offsprings section have been added as well as a profile of our new youngster in Our dogs. |
29. 03. 2009 | On the first day of spring our Zanda was X-rayed for hip dysplasia at accredited vet, MVDr. Decker with an excellent result A (no signs of HD)!!!. |
09. 02. 2009 | On 7.-8.2. we attended a DuoCacib Show in Brno with our two girls. Again they delighted us by achieving all the titles we´d been hoping for, incl. a bonus of the success in the finals as well as the Cruft´s 2010 nomination - more in the "Shows" section. |
01. 02. 2009 | Finally - a new update of our website after long time. All our puppies have left for their new loving homes and you can watch them growing in a new "Offsprings" section. Their mummy hasn´t been just hanging about - last weekend she finished her Interchampionship by winning a show in Slovakia. |
04. 08. 2008 | Again new pictures of our puppies in the "Puppies" section and also the litter pedigree. |
15. 06. 2008 | Puppies were born on Jule 15. More in "Puppies" section. |
19. 05. 2008 | Puppies from this exclusive mating Ch. FRED Miracle Bulls x Ch. GRETA GARBO Ha-Szani Vendy are expected to be born in mid-June. More in "Puppies" section. |
09. 03. 2008 | A couple of new photos in the "Gallery". |
16. 02. 2008 | Our bitch Bublina won at International Dog Show in Brno and she has become the Czech Champion. More in Shows section. |
20. 01. 2008 | A sweet little girl from Hungary joined our family in December. More information about her here. Thank you László and Edina for letting us have her. |
02. 09. 2007 | Today, it was a lucky day for our dogs at the International Dog Show in Mladá Boleslav. "Balú" got CAC, CACIB and he has become the Czech Champion."Bublina" recieved CAC, res.CACIB (beaten only by her mother - CACIB, BOB). For further information see section "Shows". |
01. 09. 2007 | We have moved to our new web adrress www.bullmastiff.cz.A new design of the website has been made, so some of the links are still under construction. We add news regularly, keep watching! |